Screenshot bloopers
Screenshots done! Screenshots uploaded (they're a bit too big, I resize them next time).
I was making these shots by setting Fraps to automatically make a screenshot every 5 seconds since wasn't sure that I'll be able to press "1" while being chased by 8-16 Shivan fighters while being in external view.
Because of that, there were some stupid footage I really didn't want to record :D
I will add much more but the interface is half-dead and I am unable to add any more pictures to any posts.
Contestants for the "Most boring in-mission screenies":
I am hit:
Bloopers AKA stuff I really didn't want to record:
And here is the footage of my totally dark monitor, which you'll probably no
(this was actual gameplay footage!)
And the greatest mistake I made while recording......I accidentally pressed the "Transform-to-Mario"-button.
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