AT4W Mechakara Conclusion (non-Syrk)
Since I don’t have the means necessary to make any sort of video (not even voice recording) now, I have to go down in text and tell HERE on a totally unrelated note that I was fairly disappointed by the Mechakara conclusion.
EDIT: Stuff moved to a TGWTG blog:
Fair enough and you're entitled to your opinion. ^^
There was only so much I could do with the other characters or else it would've been too difficult from a technical or character sense.
As for Mechakara keeping him alive, he admitted he wanted to make his suffering last, and I'd like to think he was still pretty darn effective that the only way to bring him down was a powerful enough blast, since he kept on adapting to every other weapon used against him. Also bear in mind that Mechakara beat him up reeeeaaaal good. Each time he needed to be rescued before the killing blow was applied.
As for Ensign Munro... I'm saving him for other things. ^_~
Still, sorry you were disappointed and I'll continue to try to entertain and your points are perfectly valid.
Hey, thanks for the answer! I've always been surprised by your commitment to your "duty", so to speak.
I can't wait for the next story arc... *wonders if the Nostalgia Chick turns out to be Dr. Insano-s long lost sister* :)
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